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Robert is very good operating as a Chaser, but his ability with women - Monte - is a crashing failure. So he must recruit a particular kind of person with the right personality to whom he can tell his story in order to change reality just enough to repair his failure with her.

Willard is just right. He wants to write a novel and Robert gives him the best story he could possibly write. The only trouble is Robert begins his story by telling Willard everything he's about to tell him is absolutely true. But is it? Willard has his doubts until Robert proves it for him and at the same time makes it impossible for Willard to write the story. Does Willard write it anyway? 

Read "Robert's Choice" and see for yourself. 

Available where ever ebooks are available.

What if all you had to do was think something and you could make it happen? Alex can, and he does.

This is what makes him a prime candidate to become an Observer, even though he doesn't want to be. But Hughbella, a deceased Black Foot Indain, persists by visiting him in his sleep and giving him tasks to perform, some of which are near impossible; for instance, How do you recognize yourself? 

Alex inadvertantly puts himself on a metaphysical path and he's faced with difficult challenges. Alberta and Dolores tempt him, his girlfriend leaves him, a pair of twins pull the wool over his eyes, and he puts his best friend in danger when he breaks one of the rules of an Observer. 

Lucky for Alex, women have a mystical influence on his life. He doesn't know it, but Hughbella explains it all to him. And who is Robin, the last mystical woman he meets? Read Alex in Wonderland and see for yourself.

There is no point of view like the point of view of an eight year old boy. And that's what helps Robin to survive in a world in which he believes the grownups are crazy. There are, he learns, a few exceptions to his rule; Mrs. Silverman, who lives downstairs, and who is always there to give Robin the emotional support he needs, and Herby, who owns the Deli on the corner. He knows how to make a top notch hot fudge sundae, and he keeps Robin supplied with Baby Ruths, and there's Abraham, a self-proclaimed ex-rabbi with a dark history from World War II. He offers Robin wisdom and a gentle challenge or two to keep Robin on his toes. And there is Robin's best friend, Judy Barton, who annoys him because she can do anything Robin can do, even out run him even though he earns the title of the fastest boy in Shakespeare school, but she is careful with him so as not to wound his ego.

Robin of Tudor Gables is a story of murder, rape, the peculiar love of two women, theft, bullying, love and triumph.

 "if there is a sin I've left out, it's because I've simply overlooked it." - R. Harlan Smith 

Grady is a successful business man who falls in love with Susan, a mysterious young girl seventeen years his junior. His best friend, Perry, warns him, but it's too late, Grady has never known a girl like Susan and he can't help himself.

The trouble with Susan is she disappears for days, weeks, and offers no excuse for why she left or where she's been. And there's another man, Bernie. Bernie is a spoiled bad guy whos parents are rich and  who has a mysterious hold on her. It all comes to a fiery end in which Grady has no other choice, but the inevitable. 


 "You don't have to know a woman's secrets. When you know  the kind of woman she is, you'll know the kind of secrets  she has. All you need to know is she has secrets."

 R. Harlan Smith


That Summer is adult reading, a story of burning love and deceit and betrayal. 

Have you ever felt the uge to kiss a flower? Imagine a rare legendary flower that kisses you back, a flower rarely mentioned in even the most obscure occult literature. 

Gamar is a friend Robert met quite by accident in Amsterdam, and again in Montparnasse, quite by accident. He has something to show Robert and he beckons him to his home in Tuscany. Read "Il Bocce Fiore."

Can a bored country girl from a trailer park in Indiana actually tell the future? Jeneen is a chaneler and she knows what she's talking about. Read "Just So You'll Know."

Can an eye sore like a water tower be a place of miracles? Robert takes his first date with Shelleen up onto the water tower and he learns the magic of the water tower. Read "The Specifics of an Event."

What if all life on earth was battery powered, including humans? Read "The Life Givers."

Why would a squirrel bid me farewell in Arizona and another bid me welcome in Indiana? Read "The Squirrel."

Can a story be told if the only survivor was a horse? Read "A Horse Story."

What is the ancient secret to save the life of a poisoned cat? Read "Love Story for a Poisoned Cat."

 "I'll tell you truths you won't believe and fictions you'll  embrace like the gospel, but I won't tell you which is which."

 R. Harlan Smith



There comes a time in a man's life when he is asked to perform a task that is a matter of honor. How far will a man go to protect his honor? Farley is faced with such a task, and that is to simply deliver a mysterious package to a mysterious, disfigured woman. The delivery of a package is a simple thing, unless there are people who come in the way, people who threaten to kill you. Pete wants Farley to open the package to see if it's worth the trouble it's caused so far. Margie wants to know if there's money in it. Margie's father, the doctor, is terribly worried about what's in it. Farley thinks the contents are purely romantic. 

Everyone wants to know what's in the package, money, evidence that can ruin a doctor's reputation, letters and mementos of love? The package could be opened and rewrapped and Anna Kalupski would never know the difference. The question arises - Which is the most defensible philosophy, to do good to appear to be good, or to do good because you are good? All the answers are in "Anna Kalupski's Gift."


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